Ahayah Yashiya - World News Media! Shalawam Ahch/Ahchwath, I'm a daughter of the Most High Ahayah and this is my way of sharing all the knowledge and information I've acquired over the years of my journey on this earth. In short, This site offers alternative news, documentaries, food industry exposed, and more. We are presenting information which you will not find in the mainstream media. Find out what is really happening in the world today. Praise Ahayah Bahasham Yashiya Wa Rawach!
Thursday, March 20, 2014
20 Gross & Disturbing Food Facts You'll Wish You Didn't Know
Eating gross things is fascinating when other people do it. It's why kids pay a dollar to get a weird kid to eat bugs on the playground and the reason NBC has been able to produce 150 episodes of Fear Factor. But when you're the one eating the gross stuff, it's not as fun. And there are a lot of disgusting and weird things out there that crop up in our everyday food.
Some of them just feel kind of off-putting, but in the grand scheme of things aren't that big of a deal. I know how cheese is made and I'm still going to eat five pounds of it if you put it in front of me. Others just feel plain wrong though, chemicals that shouldn't be in paint, or food that's not fresh being made to look fresh. Here are 20 food facts that will make you think twice next time you're at the grocery store.
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